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Jesse Willems

14 May - 25 June 2022
Preview: 14 May 2 to 7pm

It all started with Jesse Willems’ monumental diptych Euphoria – The Scythians, created for our 7x70, that was then, this is now exhibition in 2021. The enthusiastic reactions and the mutual appreciation inspired us to invite Jesse for a follow-up in the shape of a ‘brief: encounter’ between his work and the ZEIT collection.


In his current show Lido, Jesse Willems conjures up a melancholic mood reminiscent of the heydays of the Italian riviera. Applying the most wonderful paper sources, scored from forgotten archives and old stationery shops, he draws our attention to what is often overlooked. By eliminating any superfluous elements and consciously leaving out all too recognizable items such as letters and symbols, Jesse frees the composition from a limited reading. In his new works, he has evolved even more towards a restrained abstract style, typified by soft colours and an abundance of circular shapes. Do they represent the earth, the moon and the planets, a female force, the waves off the shore of the Adriatic coast?


Lido focuses on Jesse’s most recent collages alongside a small selection of his photographic works together with pieces he has chosen from the ZEIT collection.

Includes works by:


Jesse Willems, Joe Colombo, Gianni Colombo, Giorgio De Chirico, Horacio Garcia-Rossi, Walter Leblanc, Pol Mara, Guy Vandenbranden, Pol Bury, Jo Delahaut, Victor Vasarely, Sol LeWitt

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